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Tabular Data Schema

The tabular schema stores data as an array of rows referencing the source data file(s). Additionally, the schema provides a columns array where all the information explaining each column is stored. The Tabular schema is particularly useful for storing datasets such as fermentation experiments.


Rows represent a line of text extracted from a specific data file. For its lowest degree of completeness each row would simply correspond to the full unparsed text of a particular line in the data file. For highest completeness, each text line is converted into column values usually by splitting the row based on some column delimiter.


An array type property of the tabular schema which increases the degree of completeness and the overall Utility Score as it stores detailed information on each of the tabular data columns.

This information explains in a well-defined set of properties the nature of each column, both human and machine readable which makes it specifically useful for the automation of processes such a Statistically Analyses or Machine Learning modelling.

This well-defined properties as described as Data Types.

File Reference

A reference to the source file as File Schema.


Metadata is a flexible property in the schema to support storing any extra information such a notes, a description or even the column delimiter used for parsing rows.