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Exporter Plugin

The FSML Plugin Framework provides the Exporter Interface which defines the structure the plugin package must export.


  • name (string): An identifier for plugin.
  • type (string): Type of the plugin. these must be one of the Plugin Types provided by the FSML SDK.
  • run (function): Main function of the module which takes in an FSML manifest and returns one or many data objects along with optional files.

Exporter Interface

The Exporter Interface extends the Plugin Interface. Notice how the run function in an Exporter Plugin, extends the one from the Plugin interface into a specific set of input and output arguments.

The input to the run function is an FSML manifest object and the output is one or many data objects or files with the contents of the FSML manifest in some other format.

interface IExporter extends IPlugin {
/** Any arbitrary name */
name: "exporterName",
/** Must be of type PluginTypes.EXPORTER */
type: PluginTypes.EXPORTER,
* Receives an fsml manifest and returns a
* file and data object of some unknown type (e.g, json, yaml, etc.).
run: (
manifest: TManifest,
) => Promise<{ filepath: string; data: unknown }[]>;