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Command Line Interface

The FSML CLI tool is one of the FSML implemented client programs that interact with the FSML SDK Library. Its Application Programming Interface (API) provides access to the core FSML funcionalities and basic operations for working with FSML manifest files.

The CLI itself comes with documentation on all the available commands and what they are used for. Essentially the CLI reads and writes FSML manifest files, parses experimental data and allows the installation of either properietary or community-implemented plugins that follow the Plugin Framework interface.

CLI Commands

To get a list of the available CLI commands type fsml and you should see the following commands available:

fsml defaults <subcommand> Configures default values for CLI flags
fsml manifest <subcommand> Operates with the FSML manifest
fsml plugin <subcommand> Handles external plugin modules


If you type fsml defaults you should see the following subcommands available:

fsml defaults edit Interactive mode to edit config defaults
fsml defaults list Lists default configs
fsml defaults set <key> <value> Sets a new default value for a config key
fsml defaults reset <key> Resets the value of a config key.
fsml defaults reset-all Resets the value of all configs.

--help Show help [boolean]
--version Show version number [boolean]
--filepath [default: "./configs.yaml"]
--format [default: "yaml"]


If you type fsml manifest you should see the following subcommands available:

fsml manifest create <filepattern> Creates an FSML manifest
fsml manifest import <id> Imports an FSML manifest from a registry

--help Show help [boolean]
--version Show version number [boolean]
--author [default: null]
--format [default: "yaml"]
--write [default: null]
--pack [default: null]
--unpack [default: false]
--summary [default: false]


If you type fsml plugin you should see the following subcommands available:

fsml plugin install <module> Installs the plugin by saving a local referenc
e to it.
fsml plugin uninstall <module> Uninstalls the plugin by removing all local re
ference to it and any related cache.
fsml plugin list Lists all installed plugins.
fsml plugin upgrade <module> Upgrades the plugin version.
fsml plugin cache <module> Force plugin to be downloaded and cached local
fsml plugin run <module> Runs the module

--help Show help [boolean]
--version Show version number [boolean]
--cache [default: false]
--sort [default: "asc"]
--latest [default: true]

Installing CLI Tool

Download the installer files from the links provided in the Releases section.

  • For Mac users, double-click on the installer .pkg file and follow through the MacOS installer steps.

  • For Linux users, a popular way of installing .deb files is via the dpkg command as so:

    sudo dpkg -i PATH_TO_FSML_INSTALLER

Trying out the FSML CLI Tool

Open a terminal window and type the following command (note that the “$>” symbol is not to be typed, it's just used here to represent your CLI prompt)

    $> fsml

You should see the FSML CLI helper docs.

fsml <command>

fsml defaults <subcommand> Configures default values for CLI flags
fsml manifest <subcommand> Operates with the FSML manifest
fsml plugin <subcommand> Handles external plugin modules

Feel free to navigate into the CLI commands docs by typing any of the described commands (e.g., $> fsml defaults).


Version 1.1.0
